How to switch from rvm to rbenv

The first question you might ask yourself is Why should/would I need to switch? The answer is simply you don't. It is completely up to you whether or not you want to. I've found that in my development workflow rbenv just works better. I don't have to worry about managing gemsets. Bundler takes care of all that for me already.

Remove RVM

  rvm implode

Installing Homebrew

Install Homebrew if you don't already have it on your system. Homebrew acts as a package manager for OSX. It makes life just a little bit easier on us mac users.

  ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL"

Configure Homebrew

Run the code below to make sure everything installed successfully. If it did you should get a message back saying Your system is raring to brew brew doctor

Next we needed to update. brew update

Installing Rbenv

Homebrew makes it stupid simple to install rbenv. brew install rbenv brew install ruby-build

Configuring Rbenv

Next you will need to configure your terminal to load the correct path for rbenv. For my example I'm using ZSH. If you haven't checked it out yet, you should because its awesome. I had to edit my ~/.zprofile like so.

  sublime ~/.zprofile
  export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"
  eval "$(rbenv init -)"

Note: I'm using sublime as my text editor. Just substitute your editor for sublime to open up the file. Note: If you are not using ZSH you might have to edit ~/.profile or ~/.bash_profile instead.

Bonus: Using Rbenv

For my workflow I found Rbenv to just be a lot simpler than rvm. I hated having to manage gemsets and whatnot. I like simplicity.

Installing Ruby

  rbenv install 2.0.0

Hit tab to autocomplete the ruby version so you get the latest and greatest.

Then don't forget to rehash after installing. rbenv rehash

Useful Commands:

Sets the current directory to use that version of ruby. rbenv local 2.0.0

Sets the default version of ruby to be 2.0.0. rbenv global 2.0.0

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