layout: post title: "Hello World!" date: 2013-09-07 19:50 comments: true categories: [ruby,octopress] keywords: ruby,octopress,jekyll,hello,world

descripton: Here is your obligatory Hello World! first post. I've been blogging for a few months over tumblr and decided to jump over to octopress.

Here is your obligatory Hello World! first post. I've been blogging for a few months over on Tumblr and decided to jump on the bandwagon with using Octopress/Jekyll for my blogging needs. In reality, I just wanted to get my hands dirty with it so I could learn a few things. I had some free time this weekend so I got it all setup.

For those of you who don't know, Jekyll is a Simiple, Static Site Generator. That means it transforms Plain text into static websites and blogs. This means I dont have to use Tumblr or Wordpress. And best yet, I can host it for free on Github.

Anyway, I'm going to document my coding journey here. I've been coding for just under a year now and still learning. Here we go!